

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • When will the class be offered next?
  • The class will be offered in spring 2021, and again every other spring

  • What will be the focus, or central challenge, in spring 2021?
  • Students in the 2021 class will continue the work we began in 2019, addressing food insecurity among students at UC Davis.

  • Who can take this class?
  • We welcome graduate students from any field or discipline. Past students have come from a huge range of disciplines, including English, Cultural Studies, Food Science, Geography, Sociology, Cognitive Science, Design, Computer Science, Environmental Toxicology, International Agricultural Development, and more.
  • Can I take this class if I am an undergraduate?
  • If you are an undergraduate (from any major) interested in taking this class, please send an email to Professor Biltekoff (cbiltekoff@ucdavis.edu) explaining why you want to take the class. Each quarter we issue some PTAs to interested undergraduates.

  • What happens to the insights and ideas created in the class?
  • The work from the class is presented to key campus stakeholders to share insights and ideas. Students are encouraged to continue the development of ideas from the course. Students are connected with resources on campus such as the Mike and Renee Child Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Several students have gone on to further pursue their ideas in research or continue to seek funding to build out their ideas.

  • Who should I contact with questions?
  • Prof. Biltekoff can be reached at cbiltekoff@ucdavis.edu.